Monday, March 15, 2010

You love Yourself the most !!!

Jai Maata Di
I was home all day. was not well to attend any meeting, nor I was wanting to. Got up real late, saw few more cd's i got from landmark. Then did some work for tommorow's meeting. Then saw Jodha Akbar on UTV movies, again. While watching the movie I was thinking some dialogues touch you deep inside. From Jodhaa Akbar, few of my fav is "Pani aur tammnaaon ki taaseer ek si hoti hai, aage badhte jaana". Perfect !! There are many more in the film, but this is my fav most. Tomorrow is a tough day. Had to do lot at the same time. Have four meeting in a row, wusshhh !! You know when I was in college, my orthodox brahmin relatives use to scold me, that i dont know how to cook, i dont do any household work, how will I get a husband, how i will keep my in-laws happy etc etc. But you I never cared what they were talking about because I always believed in myself. I can do anything IF I want. Gossips and scoldings fuelled up when I decided not to study any further after graduation and do some creative work. When I asked them to shut up, they started torturing my poor mother, that I am 'badtameez', my future is dark. I explained to my mum, that to keep faith in her daughter. Her upbringing and teachings won't go waste.
Today, I have a career, I earn more than triple then anyone in my whole Khandaan, including men, forget the ladies. I got the perfect husband, straight out of any girl's dreams. I do everything a house wife does and everything what a working woman can do. My papa is proud of me, My husband loves and respects me. I have created my own place in hearts of my sasuraal-people. And now the same relatives, can't stop praising me. the same people want their own kids to be like ME.
Always believe in yourself. don't get carried away by what others are saying. always remember, Its YOU who loves YOURSELF the MOST. Be yourself, world will follow. Trust me, I have done it.

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