Monday, March 15, 2010

Power of Faith

Jai Maata Di
I always knew my maata rani is always there for me. I can feel her. without her I am nothing. I want to share few moments when I realized the real power of faith.
I was in tenth standard, I was in hospital for two months jst before my board exams. My maths was very very weak, and I had no time to study. All suggested to take drop. But I refused, I knew Maata Rani is there, nothing will go wrong. I sat for the exams, when i got my maths question paper in my hand, i realized i know nothing. not even a single question I can solve completely. I felt I was going to faint. Tears were pouring. But I closed my eyes, prayed to maa, and solved whatever i can. within 15 min I was done. I looked around, everyone was busy solving maths questions. I was sitting calmly, I knew nothing will go wrong. Back at home I calculated how much I had solved and it came out that max to max i can only manage 32. I wont pass my boards. But I prayed and prayed, and my confidence kept growing that no matter what I will pass. Results came out, I passed the exams and I scored 45 in maths. Can you believe it? becuase I cant till date, i only attempted to reach 32 marks, but i got 45. it was a big mistake from board people, but for me, it was maa's blessings. My faith in her saved me.
When I was struggling in Mumbai to become a script writer, I had no income, but expenses were mounting. One day I was left with no money to pay my rent. I was crying in front of my maata rani. I wanted money. and very moment, a courier guy came and handed me an envelope. It was from a company for which i did some odd translating job 11 months back. I had completely forgotten about it. I was sure they would have sent me a cheque of 2000 or max 3500, not a penny more than that. But when I opened, I almost fainted, it was a cheque worth 25, 000. I looked towards maata rani and i felt that she was smiling. I cried for another half an hour, checking again and again to make sure it ws 25, 000. then i called the concerned person from the company to tell them that by mistake they had sent me this amount, i did a very tiny job. But before i could speak after my hello, he apologized for the payment delay and said he has never imagined such a beautiful translation. after i hung up, I turned to HER and smiled with tears of happiness in my eyes. Those 25, 000 helped me to survive 6 months in Mumbai without any work. And soon, i started earning too.
Jai Maata Di !!!

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