Thursday, March 18, 2010

Power of Namaste !!!!

Jai Maata Di !!!
What a tiring day. Its not like that I am complaining, but seems like no energy left. But wanted to write, wanted to share my feelings. So I am here Yippiee !!
I am in the industry where hi's and hello's are more of muah-muah's, huggi-kissi types. Rivals meet as if they are best of friends, and friends meet as they know each other from the time of hadappa mohanjudado. I am not against all this, who am I, but I was never into all this. I like to stick to basic hi or Hello. few years back my husband explained me the importance of NAMASKAR. Intially I was not keen about it, but i knew if he said something to me, must be good for me. Though felt awkward initially, but i started doing Namaste/ Namaskars instead Hi, hello, or handshakes. even in Sms's I sticked to Namaste instead of Hey or Hi's. And trust me, it was magical. The instant respect and attention i got from everyone was outstanding. ten people in the meeting room, and I was able to grab attention with a single NAMASTE. I realized what my husband meant. We give importance to western culture thinking of it as Cool. But thanks to my husband, I realized the power of being Indian, being a culture follower. Today all huggi-kissi people do namaste whenever they see me, not to mimic, but with respect. Recently had a story narration meeting with Mr Subrato Roy, Sahara Shree. I greeted him with joined hands, he was taken aback for a slight momentas he was expecting a mandatory "hello sir" from a young girl like me. When meeting was over and I was leaving, he joined hands and greeted me the same way I was greeting him. And I could see the respect in his eyes for me, though I am nothing as compared to his status, but I had made my mark with a NAMASTE. Its not only about being different or grabbing eye balls. You feel good, you feel proud, don't know how and why, but it gives you a strange self satisfaction and self respect. I am thankful to my husband Amol for making me realize that our culture has its own beauty, you just need to see it, need to feel it.

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