Sunday, March 14, 2010

I was ME again !!

Jai Maata Di
I had beautiful & flawless skin till I was in tenth standard. Then slowly, pimples started occuring on my face. Initially I was not much bothered, but then when people started noticing and commenting, I realized have to do something. My biggest mistake, I started pricking them up. Too bad, have the scars for the whole life. Anyways. Then as usual aunties, uncles, friends, friends of friends, even strangers whom I met in train gave me their-valuable tips "nuskha's" to get rid of my pimples. Poor me, irritated, frustrated, did everything. applying chandan-jaayfal paste, to lemon-honey mask to egg whites to rubbing alum cake to drinking litres and litres of Saafi to what not. I could have written a book myself on "How to get rid of pimples" with 9999 wonderful tips. But none of my efforts paid off. Pimples got worse, and I looked just Yuck ! No one will believe but I stopped looking in the mirror for more than a year. I use to comb my hair without looking in the mirror and nothing else. I use to hate myself. I use to often question to god- Why Me? and Why so many?...I have been an all rounder all my life. One day I dared to look into the mirror, and promised never ever to get bothered by pimples. My personality is much more attractive then my face, and I am beautiful by heart atleast if not by face. I moved on. I was ME again. Pimples soon became part of my personality. When on lucky days, I had none over my face I use to feel....something is missing types. After a decade of Pimple-problem, my prayers got answered, I got PRO-ACTIVE. Its amazing, but my buddies are still with me, they are never going to leave me, and trust me, I dont mind that anymore. They are part of ME. My pimples are part of Me.
If you are troubled by your pimples, JUST START LOVING THEM, trouble will be over forever.

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