Sunday, March 21, 2010

Any Lion out there?

Jai Maata Di
Hello Everyone ! have been busy lately. With both personal and professional issues. Was in a real bad mood lately. I just do not understand why people can't say things on the face. Why they play games, behind the back. Why they dont have guts to say the truth. Recently I was trying to help one of my producers with some show slot. And I did'nt asked for any money or other favours. but the producer fixed up meeting behind me. if they want me out of the picture, tell me on my face. i dont mind that. i will move on, as i am never scared of working hard-harder and i forgive people easily too. but later when i came to know about this i completely lost it. people have guts to do non sense but not to speak about the same. BOOTA nahi hai. kyuuu?? I am a lioness, and would like to deal with lions, not rats and dogs. Any Lion out there?
No matter how bad people do to me, I am gonna make it, I am gonna acheive what I aim for. I will. Watch out you rats !!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Power of Namaste !!!!

Jai Maata Di !!!
What a tiring day. Its not like that I am complaining, but seems like no energy left. But wanted to write, wanted to share my feelings. So I am here Yippiee !!
I am in the industry where hi's and hello's are more of muah-muah's, huggi-kissi types. Rivals meet as if they are best of friends, and friends meet as they know each other from the time of hadappa mohanjudado. I am not against all this, who am I, but I was never into all this. I like to stick to basic hi or Hello. few years back my husband explained me the importance of NAMASKAR. Intially I was not keen about it, but i knew if he said something to me, must be good for me. Though felt awkward initially, but i started doing Namaste/ Namaskars instead Hi, hello, or handshakes. even in Sms's I sticked to Namaste instead of Hey or Hi's. And trust me, it was magical. The instant respect and attention i got from everyone was outstanding. ten people in the meeting room, and I was able to grab attention with a single NAMASTE. I realized what my husband meant. We give importance to western culture thinking of it as Cool. But thanks to my husband, I realized the power of being Indian, being a culture follower. Today all huggi-kissi people do namaste whenever they see me, not to mimic, but with respect. Recently had a story narration meeting with Mr Subrato Roy, Sahara Shree. I greeted him with joined hands, he was taken aback for a slight momentas he was expecting a mandatory "hello sir" from a young girl like me. When meeting was over and I was leaving, he joined hands and greeted me the same way I was greeting him. And I could see the respect in his eyes for me, though I am nothing as compared to his status, but I had made my mark with a NAMASTE. Its not only about being different or grabbing eye balls. You feel good, you feel proud, don't know how and why, but it gives you a strange self satisfaction and self respect. I am thankful to my husband Amol for making me realize that our culture has its own beauty, you just need to see it, need to feel it.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Jai Maata Di

Shubh Navratri. Maata Rani Bless all, always.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Power of Faith

Jai Maata Di
I always knew my maata rani is always there for me. I can feel her. without her I am nothing. I want to share few moments when I realized the real power of faith.
I was in tenth standard, I was in hospital for two months jst before my board exams. My maths was very very weak, and I had no time to study. All suggested to take drop. But I refused, I knew Maata Rani is there, nothing will go wrong. I sat for the exams, when i got my maths question paper in my hand, i realized i know nothing. not even a single question I can solve completely. I felt I was going to faint. Tears were pouring. But I closed my eyes, prayed to maa, and solved whatever i can. within 15 min I was done. I looked around, everyone was busy solving maths questions. I was sitting calmly, I knew nothing will go wrong. Back at home I calculated how much I had solved and it came out that max to max i can only manage 32. I wont pass my boards. But I prayed and prayed, and my confidence kept growing that no matter what I will pass. Results came out, I passed the exams and I scored 45 in maths. Can you believe it? becuase I cant till date, i only attempted to reach 32 marks, but i got 45. it was a big mistake from board people, but for me, it was maa's blessings. My faith in her saved me.
When I was struggling in Mumbai to become a script writer, I had no income, but expenses were mounting. One day I was left with no money to pay my rent. I was crying in front of my maata rani. I wanted money. and very moment, a courier guy came and handed me an envelope. It was from a company for which i did some odd translating job 11 months back. I had completely forgotten about it. I was sure they would have sent me a cheque of 2000 or max 3500, not a penny more than that. But when I opened, I almost fainted, it was a cheque worth 25, 000. I looked towards maata rani and i felt that she was smiling. I cried for another half an hour, checking again and again to make sure it ws 25, 000. then i called the concerned person from the company to tell them that by mistake they had sent me this amount, i did a very tiny job. But before i could speak after my hello, he apologized for the payment delay and said he has never imagined such a beautiful translation. after i hung up, I turned to HER and smiled with tears of happiness in my eyes. Those 25, 000 helped me to survive 6 months in Mumbai without any work. And soon, i started earning too.
Jai Maata Di !!!

You love Yourself the most !!!

Jai Maata Di
I was home all day. was not well to attend any meeting, nor I was wanting to. Got up real late, saw few more cd's i got from landmark. Then did some work for tommorow's meeting. Then saw Jodha Akbar on UTV movies, again. While watching the movie I was thinking some dialogues touch you deep inside. From Jodhaa Akbar, few of my fav is "Pani aur tammnaaon ki taaseer ek si hoti hai, aage badhte jaana". Perfect !! There are many more in the film, but this is my fav most. Tomorrow is a tough day. Had to do lot at the same time. Have four meeting in a row, wusshhh !! You know when I was in college, my orthodox brahmin relatives use to scold me, that i dont know how to cook, i dont do any household work, how will I get a husband, how i will keep my in-laws happy etc etc. But you I never cared what they were talking about because I always believed in myself. I can do anything IF I want. Gossips and scoldings fuelled up when I decided not to study any further after graduation and do some creative work. When I asked them to shut up, they started torturing my poor mother, that I am 'badtameez', my future is dark. I explained to my mum, that to keep faith in her daughter. Her upbringing and teachings won't go waste.
Today, I have a career, I earn more than triple then anyone in my whole Khandaan, including men, forget the ladies. I got the perfect husband, straight out of any girl's dreams. I do everything a house wife does and everything what a working woman can do. My papa is proud of me, My husband loves and respects me. I have created my own place in hearts of my sasuraal-people. And now the same relatives, can't stop praising me. the same people want their own kids to be like ME.
Always believe in yourself. don't get carried away by what others are saying. always remember, Its YOU who loves YOURSELF the MOST. Be yourself, world will follow. Trust me, I have done it.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sick of Thinking !!

Jai Maata Di

Where is my 'Ninnni' gone. Its morning and I haven't slept for a nano-second. I guess lot many things are going in my head. I want to move away from all those thoughts. I want to stop thinking for sometime. Then what should I do. Hmm. Room. Yes can talk about that. Okay, will tell you about my room. Luckily I have a big bedroom in my new rented flat in Andheri. It has a double bed, a dressing table, two godrej almirah's, one big and one small wooden cabinet with glass fronts, a side table and few more things. Most imporatant part of my bedroom is my Poojaghar, where my Maata Rani is. Its bang opposite my bed, over the big wooden cabinet. Before I sleep and after I get up, first thing I see is Maa. In that cabinet, books and CD's are there. loads of them. One can find lot of pink in my room, its my fav colour. My bedsheet is pink with yellow and blue flowers. loads of multicolored cushions are there. curtains are in dark shade of pink with stripes. my dressing table is overflowing with Girlie-stuff. On top of dressing table, I have kept my mother's pic, she is no more. But I still feel she has not gone. anyways. two beautiful art pieces from Bombay Store are dangling around my curtains. Also pasted some multicolored cute wooden art pieces from Vividha kids store, on my bedroom door. Foot mat next to my bed is pink again, and is heart shaped. When I got it, it was sooo cutie pinki pinki, that I was scared to put my feets over it, would have got dirty naa ...but had to. Aaah ! one more important thing, my white cutie-alarm clock with snooze light (shopkeeper told me about it as if its not snooze light but some secret weapon as in james bond movies). You know, I was planning to buy alarm clock from last four years. I bought everything but never brought an alarm clock home, I myself don't know why. Mahurat nahi thha I guess otherwise 4 years for an alarm clock. well, finally I got one. Before this, If I had to get up early I use to leave sms's to two people atleast and poor them, they use to wake me up by calling. I have asked almost everyone around me to do this task...from my papa to landlady to friend in Bangalore to Aroona Irani Mam. he he. Thanks to them all. This was my room, sweet sweet room. I love my room. Now I should try and sleep. Bored you all enough. Where is my pink duvet????

The Godfather

Jai Maata Di

Its 3:30 am, sunday is yesterday, monday is today. Had a long meeting with Aroona Ji (Aroona Irani) so it was a working sunday. Thinking of taking Monday off. Lets see whether can manage or not. Well, just finished watching "The Godfather" part one, for the ....hmm....millionth time I guess. I just love this movie, haven't read the book by Mario Puzo though. Everytime I see this movie, I am lost in the Godfather world. My own world my own life vanishes for those 3 hours. Whenever Al Pacino is on screen, can't take my eyes off him. "Uparwale ne kuch jiyaada hi fursat se banaya hai". I just love the scene where father & son are having conversation in the sunlight. What a scene !! My favorite in the whole movie. Ideal father-son relationship. Also I love the last scene of the film, where wife is questioning Mike and he is warning her not to ask about the business and when she continues, he shouts to shut her up and very next moment he lets her ask for once & for all, she asks and he says 'no'. Thats called a MAN. He gets angry at his girl, because he cares and wants to keep her away from trouble, and then hugs her tightly in his arms to let her know he loves her and is there for her, forever. Wow!!!! In Indian movies Hero's are compulsive nici-pici & Mahaan sort. Why? If you make films close to reality than let the hero too. Anyways, Brando is superb, Al is awesome. I can see this movie for many many many more times.